
Riddle of the day

Riddle of the day:

God king,
World wanderer,
Ring carrier
Blemish bearer

Riddle of the day

Today's riddle:

Hated, liked, even worshipped,
I infest the world
Crawling in the path of mankind
Drinking the earth's black blood.

Riddle of the day

Here's today's one:

Some capture me with water and wax, yet I run on.
Some capture me with sand and sun, yet I run on.
Some capture me with coil and crystal, yet I run on.

Riddle of the day

Riddle of the day:
I grow tall and stride across the land,
I was well spoken
But now my children have left home,
Cut their ties,
And roam freely.

Riddle of the day

Today's riddle:

I sleep during the day,
At night my wings unfurl, blotting out the night.
When you get me you hang me, draw me, even quarter me.

Riddle of the day

Happy Easter. Here's my riddle for today:

Sweet secrets I hold in my dark embrace
Child of the east and west
Enjoy me while you can

Riddle of the day

Today's riddle is hopefully easier than yesterday's:

Clearly the threshold between here and there,
where hot meets cold, but air doesn't meet air.

Riddle of the day

I hope you are enjoying the riddles. Here's one I came up with this morning:

Trees wept tears for you
The limping god cared for you
Yet you waste away.

Riddle of the day

Today's riddle:
I sit in silence, waiting,
many eyed, always watching.
I beg for a tender touch when woken,
lest the shrieking silence be broken.

Riddle of the day

Inspired by the Anglo-Saxon riddles, I came up with this one overnight:

You feed me full and take me to your bed,
every night you welcome me, for a season, or perhaps two,
before at last you want me no more,
and exile me to languish, alone.
But at last, when desire fills you,
you find me and feed me again
and I join you in your slumbers.


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